Making Things Happen

want to make a change? here’s how.

Remember in school when you learned how to evaluate major life choices and then build plans to execute them? Yeah, me either. So many of us are petrified of making choices or treat it as a game of russian roulette.

Ever ask yourself something like these: College or career? Rent or buy? Move to Seattle or Denver?

The guide below will give you the clarity and tools needed to make major decisions in your life. Get over FOMO, procrastination, and decision paralysis.

This is the guide on making decisions like and adult (for adults).

No More What wondering “What if…”

This guide has been developed following the guidelines and advice of serial entrepreneurs, digital nomads, and numerous people who “have it together”.

I’ve personally used this process in guiding several life altering choices like buying a home, moving across country, and starting business. After reviewing the techniques and principles of mentors and leaders I wanted to capture their most effective tools into a complete guide for anyone looking to take control of their life.

WHat do you want?

Whether your aspirations involve going to college or starting a career, settling down with a family or backpacking across Europe you need to know how to make a choice and take action, but how do you know what to pick?

it all starts with a choice.

A major dilemma in our current time is that there are countless options and choices. Some are terrifying, others exciting, boring, and even ignored ones. There’s no shortage of choice but there is a shortage of action and this guide will take you step by step through the process of making big decisions.

The adult life survival guide on making big decisions

A Brief Overview:

Step 1. How to pick the best option

First is the logical component of making a choice. You’ll define what factors are important to you and how the options compare. No more Fear of Missing Out (FOMO), no more wondering if you should kick your roommate out and find your own place or continue to suffer with dirty dishes for cheap rent. You’ll learn to evaluate anything from which car to buy, to what job you should take.

Step 2. What’s the worst that could happen…

Making the logical best choice is not enough. Emotions will be at play. Most notable of these emotions will be fear. How many times have you seen someone continue to make bad decisions knowing full well the outcome, yet they are too scared to change? Sometimes we become paralyzed by fear, without ever actually knowing what they’re scared of. This step is crucial as you will have to actually explore and plan for the worst case scenario and will most often realize it’s not nearly as irreversible and scary as you may have thought.

Step 3. Following through. Rubber, meet road.

Willpower and motivation are highly overrated. They might carry you through the initial action but more often than not people will fall off the path weeks or even days later. In the final section we will go over how to make systems and change mindsets to actually see your decision through.

Free dOwnload: Decision Matrix

Use this (or the old school pen and paper) for Step One: Evaluating Decisions.

The Adults Survival Guide: Make Big Decisions

Time to make a change. Ready? Click Here to open the guide.